Audio Library

Deconstructed (published by IVN - Independent Voter News)

Bill Shireman Believes We’re All ‘In This Together’

Senator Brian Jones: Against the Odds but for the People

Are You Politically Ignorant, Rationally Ignorant, or Actually Informed?

The Justice Party Spreads The Seeds of Grassroots Politics

Transparency International U.S. Shines a Light on Corruption

One Nation, Under Control, with Liberty and Reason for all

Front and Center with the Common Sense Party of California

It’s Not A Nightmare If You ‘Wake Up to Politics’

Former Comptroller General David M. Walker Spends Time on the Economy

For Those Who Like to ‘Tangle’ with Politics and Media Bias

Migration: A way to escape government barriers inside and out

Deconstructing Nonpartisan Reform with NANR’s Exec. Director

‘Toppling the Duopoly’ through practical political reforms

Is ‘Democracy At Risk’? Joe Trippi Shares His Point of View

If You’re Interest in All Sides of an Issue, ‘AllSides’ is a Good Place to Start

Protests, Rallies, and Insurrections: A Day in the Life of Washington, D.C.

Pledge: ‘I Will Listen First to Understand’

Is The Constitution In Crisis… Or Did It Create One?

Hon. David M. Walker delivers a ‘State of the Economy’ interview

Civil Engagement: The Bridge Alliance, Citizen Connect, and The Fulcrum

Candidate John Cox: Why the CA Recall Should Matter to Independents

Do You Approve of Approval Voting?

Teachers’ Union Needs Remedial Classes in Free Speech and Math

Is The United States’ Economic Policy Mortgaging Our Future?

With Major Parties in Power, ‘It’s Not Easy Being Green’

Native Americans: Perhaps Our Most Oppressed Minority

Recently Confirmed USPS Governor, Amber McReynolds, Discusses the Mail and In-Home Voting

The People’s Party: Trying to Break Away from ‘the PAC’

Georgia’s New Election Law: Reasonable or Racist?

Critical Thinking and Critical Conversations: Real Political Leadership

Why America Is Not As Divided As The Parties Want You to Think  –  (featuring T.J. O’Hara as a guest on Toppling the Duopoly)

Parallels Between the 1918 and COVID-19 Pandemics Are Nothing to Sneeze At

What May Happen if We ‘Level the Playing Field’ in Politics?

‘Unequal’ Justice: Discriminating Against Discrimination

The Electoral College: An ‘Educated’ Discussion of its Pros and Cons

Presidential Debates: Ineffective or Informative?

America in 2040: Still a Superpower?

Dictators Who Have Ruled in the Past – Is It Happening Again?

OMG WTF Does the Constitution Actually Say?

Rank the Vote: Helping States Overcome ‘The Lesser of Two Evils’

Online vs. In-Person Schooling: Whose Vote Should Count?

The League of Women Voters is in a League of Its Own

Joe Collins: Taking a Big-Name Incumbent into Deep Waters in CA-43

At Home Voting: The Method and the Madness

Scot Faulkner Talks About ‘Naked Emperors’ Past and Present

Why Local League of Women Voters and RepresentUs Support San Diego’s ‘Top 4 RCV’ Initiative

Paul Meshanko and The Neuroscience Behind Political Behavior

The Alliance Party: Introducing Civility, Transparency, and Responsibility into our Politics

Deconstructed Podcast with T.J. O’Hara and Author Neal Simon

Deconstructed with TJ O’Hara and Special Guest, the Honorable David M. Walker

National Security Threat Whistleblower Blake Percival Releases Tell-All Book

Ross Perot: The Legacy of an Independent Candidate

SMART Elections: Reaching Across the Political Spectrum to Secure the Ballot Box

Has Joe Biden Missed His Window of Opportunity?

Tim Canova on the Fall of Democracy in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s District

Does ‘The Perot Legacy’ Apply to Howard Schultz?

Joe Trippi, Ammar Campa-Najjar’s Consultant, Talks the Fight to Win the 50th

What ‘Brand’ do Trump, Cruz, and Millennials Have in Common?

HACKED: The Shocking Truth About Ballot Security

Former Sen. Tom Coburn: Ultra-Conservative or Ultra-Rational?

Cal3: Are Three States Better Than One?

The Dangers of Identity Politics with Dr. Lilliana Mason

Former Presidential Candidate Discusses Nation’s Preeminent Slumlord

California Republican Says He’ll Bring Direct Democracy to Congress

Maine Voters Dismiss Both Parties in Fight Against Establishment

GET CIVIL WITH IT: Orgs and Citizens Gather This Week to Talk Politics

The $1.3 Trillion Mistake: How Our Two Political Parties Have Mortgaged Our Children’s Future

EXCLUSIVE: Independent Businessman Greg Orman Takes on Both Parties in Run for Governor

Learn to Love an Addict: Breakdown the Opioid Crisis with an Addict’s Mother

A Civil Assessment (published by IVN - Independent Voter News)

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Severe & Pervasive (Plus the Grey Area in Between)

California Republican Says: More Money, More Political Problems

Want to Change Politics? Get Involved in Local Elections

Anti-Corruption Leader Says 2018 Is Big Year to Unrig the System

Former GOP Chair, Dem Congressman Join Forces to Elect Independents

Lenny Mendonca Talks About Challenging Both Parties to Move California Forward

Meet the Man Who Almost Brought Together the Kochs & Soros

Lawyer Explores the Second Amendment through Sex & Race

Lawrence Lessig Talks About Taking the Electoral College to Court

‘Seven Years in Guantanamo’ Co-Author discusses Interplay of Humans Rights and Terrorism

Civility on Facebook? Jeff Rasley Shows Us It Isn’t Just a Fairytale

HACKING THE VOTE: Lulu Friesdat Explains How It’s Really Been Done

Independent Insurgence? Centrist Project to Challenge Duopoly; Support Nonpartisan Candidates

David Walker on Financial Waste and Abuse: The Critical Cures for America’s Fiscal Crisis

Meet the Local Attorney Exposing DC-Style Politics in America’s Finest City

IVN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Meet the Man Battling Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Information Overload: Gene Cubbison Decodes Politics in the Digital Age

“RISING STAR”: Author of New Book Discusses Obama’s Road to the Presidency

IVN EXCLUSIVE: First Chief Admin of House, Scot Faulkner, Talks DC Corruption

Scott Rasmussen, Culture Leads and Politics Lags: The Decentralization of American Society

The Centrist Project to #HackTheSenate for Independents

More Than Two Parties: The Green Party Reinvents Itself

More Than Two Parties: The Libertarian Party’s Core Issues & Take on Current Events

Everything You Need to Know About the Big Case Against the CPD

Battles to De-Rig Elections, from San Diego to Maine

HACKED: The Shocking Truth About Ballot Security

KCBQ 1170 AM San Diego

Radio Shows and Podcasts - No Longer Available (partial list)

Critical Conversation (CDN) – The danger of experts who bring bias their testimony

10/26/2015 –  Graceland on 1360 WNJC (and other networks including K98Talk and Leading Edge Radio) – T.J. O’Hara co-hosts the show with regular host, Jennifer Meadows, as they discuss the issues surrounding refugee emigration with special guest, Leo Homan, editor of The World Net Daily, and a variety of political issues with Charles Johnson.

10/12/2015 –  Graceland on 1360 WNJC (and other networks including K98Talk and Leading Edge Radio) – T.J. O’Hara co-hosts the show with regular host, Jennifer Meadows, as they discuss the “Strong Cities Program” (which cedes certain aspects of law enforcement authority in participating U.S. cities to a European “think tank”) with special guest, Joe Wolverton, a writer for The New America, and a variety of political issues with Charles Johnson.

09/28/2015 – Graceland on 1360 WNJC (and other networks including K98Talk and Leading Edge Radio) – T.J. O’Hara co-hosts the show with regular host, Jennifer Meadows, as they discuss Speaker Boehner’s resignation with special guest, Dr. Kevin “Coach” Collins, and a variety of political issues with Charles Johnson.

09/14/2015 – Graceland on 1360 WNJC (and other networks including K98Talk and Leading Edge Radio) – T.J. O’Hara co-hosts the show with regular host, Jennifer Meadows, as they discuss the Iranian Nuclear Deal with foreign affairs expert and special guest, Barry Nussbaum, and a variety of political issues with Charles Johnson.

08/31/2015 – Graceland on 1360 WNJC (and other networks including K98Talk and Leading Edge Radio) – T.J. O’Hara co-hosts the show with regular host, Jennifer Meadows, as they discuss a variety of political issues along with Charles Johnson and special guest, Kris “Tanto” Paronto, one of the valiant special operators who tried to save Ambassador Chris Stevens and defend the CIA Annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

08/17/2015 – Graceland on 1360 WNJC (and other networks including K98Talk and Leading Edge Radio) – T.J. O’Hara co-hosts the show with regular host, Jennifer Meadows, as they discuss a variety of political issues along with Charles Johnson and special guest, Jerome Huyler, PhD.

08/04/2015 – Graceland on 1360 WNJC – T.J. O’Hara co-hosts the show with regular host, Jennifer Meadows, as they discuss a variety of political issues along with their guest, Kevin Fobbs.

06/04/2015 – The Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations – T.J. O’Hara discusses the potential “nightmare” of expert witnesses with investigative reporter Michael Volpe, psychologist Paul Mountjoy  and show host Lisa Ruth.

05/09/2015 – Graceland on 1360 WNJC – T.J. O’Hara joins hosts Jennifer Meadows and Curtice Mang to discuss the complexity of preserving Freedom of Speech under the First Amendment.

03/16/2015 – Stand for Truth (with host, Susan Knowles) – T.J. O’Hara discusses today’s political environment some of the more challenging issues confronting the U.S.

02/19/2015 – Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations – T.J. O’Hara discusses global politics with Dr. James Picht and show host, Lisa Ruth.

02/05/2015 – Graceland on CDN Radio – T.J. O’Hara joins hosts Jennifer Meadows and Curtice Mang to discuss ISIL, the IRS, and the Keystone Pipeline.

11/06/2014 – Graceland on TK Radio – T.J. O’Hara joins hosts Jennifer Meadows and Curtice Mang to discuss the impact of the 2014 Mid-Term Elections as well as The FREEDOM Process he developed and its national policy statements.

10/30/2014 – Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations – T.J. O’Hara participates in a panel discussion about the 2014 Mid-Term Elections with show host, Lisa Ruth, and other distinguished political pundits.

08/29/2014 – Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations – T.J. O’Hara discusses Presidential politics with Dr. James Picht and show host, Lisa Ruth. (Pending availability)

06/26/2014  – The Balanced Approach (with host, L. Dean Latham) – T.J. O’Hara answers question about the IRS debacle during this “live” special.

05/23/2014 – Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations– T.J. O’Hara discusses Presidential leadership with host, Terry Ponick.

03/11/2014 – Grit and Grace Radio Show – T.J. O’Hara discusses his article, “Let FREEDOM ring in the Ukraine … and the United States,” and various other political issues with hosts, Jennifer Meadows, Curtice Mang and Charles Johnson. (Recording availability pending)

01/23/2014 – Graceland (on 405 Radio) – T.J. O’Hara discusses his recent article, “Is over-regulation threatening to kill Liberty,” and various other political issues with hosts, Jennifer Meadows and Curtice Mang. (Interview begins at the 20 minute mark)

11/22/2013 – Mornings with Greg Cary – T.J. O’Hara discusses the President Kennedy and 50th anniversary of  his assassination with well-known radio talk-show host, Greg Cary in Brisbane, Australia. (Recording availability pending)

11/12/2013 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara, Andrew Evans, James Ryan and J.R. Martin discuss the Modern Whig Party, its philosophy, and its recent election win in Philadelphia, L. Dean Latham.

10/10/2013 – Hipolitix – T.J. O’Hara discusses the Government Shutdown, the Affordable Care Act, and leadership in Washington, D.C. with host, Mark Jerrell.

10/01/2013 – Mornings with Greg Cary – T.J. O’Hara discusses the Government Shutdown in the United States with well-known radio talk-show host, Greg Cary in Brisbane, Australia.

08/08/2013 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara discusses his new column, A Civil Assessment (which appears in the Communities of The Washington Times) and  issues about our political  environment with host, L. Dean Latham.

06/28/2013 – The CL GammonProgram – T.J. O’Hara is interviewed by host, C.L. Gammon about TJ’s 2012 Presidential campaign, his plans for 2016, and his view of the the state of the Union. (The station experienced some technical difficulties during the broadcast; begin listening at the 11 minute mark)

02/16/2013 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara and Richard Dreyfuss (Academy Award winning actor and Founder of The Dreyfuss Initiative) discuss the the Second Amendment and other current political issues with host, L. Dean Latham.

01/18/2013 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara and J.R. Martin (author of Selling U.S. Out) discuss the fiscal cliff and trade policy with host, L. Dean Latham.

01/17/2013 – Mornings with Greg Cary – T.J. O’Hara does a “live” Q&A with well-known radio talk-show host, Greg Cary of Brisbane, Australia.

11/23/2012 – The Balanced Approach – Part Two of T.J. O’Hara’s appearance with J.R. Martin, author of “Selling U.S. Out,” on L. Dean Latham’s show to discuss the Fiscal Cliff, etc.

11/21/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio –  T.J. O’Hara hosts Andrew Evans, National Chairman of the Whigs, as they discuss Part Two of the Modern Whig Party’s Growth Plan.

11/20/2012 – The Balanced Approach – Part One of T.J. O’Hara’s appearance with J.R. Martin, author of “Selling U.S. Out,” on L. Dean Latham’s show to discuss the Fiscal Cliff, etc.

11/15/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara hosts Andrew Evans, National Chairman of the Whigs, as they discuss Part One of the Modern Whig Party’s Growth Plan.

11/07/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara hosts Modern Whig Party Radio and discusses his campaign, authentic, proactive and reactive leadership, and answers questions from callers.

11/06/2012 – Mornings with Greg Cary – T.J. O’Hara does a “live” Q&A with well-known radio talk-show host, Greg Cary of Brisbane, Australia, discussing his Presidential campaign on Election day and answers questions from callers.

11/02/2012 – TOWN HALL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE – “Live” Town Hall Presidential Debate (open to all Presidential candidates) with T.J. O’Hara, Andre Barnett (the Reform Party), and independent candidate, Stephen Rollins.

11/01/2012 – Hipolitix (with host, Mark Jerrell) – T.J. O’Hara answers questions about the final days of his campaign, what he has accomplished, and what drives him during this “live” Q&A with the host, Mark Jerrell.

10/31/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara hosts Whig National Chairman, Andrew Evans, as they discuss other Whig candidates and the efforts of the Whigs to make a difference in America.

10/25/2012 – Mornings with Greg Cary – T.J. O’Hara does a “live” Q&A with well-known radio talk-show host, Greg Cary of Brisbane, Australia, discussing his campaign and the recent Presidential debates.

10/24/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses obstacles the States place in the way of ballot access as well as the most recent Presidential Debate between the major Party candidates and how it differed from the “Third Party” debates that are beginning to be held.

10/17/2012 – TOWN HALL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE – “Live” Town Hall Presidential Debate (open to all Presidential candidates) with T.J. O’Hara, Rocky Anderson (the Justice Party), and Howie Hawkins (representative on behalf of Jill Stein, the Green Party).

10/17/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses aspects of our Nation’s economic reality that were ignored in the most recent Presidential Debate between the major Party candidates.

10/10/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses his Vice Presidential choice, his recent campaign trip, and some specific ideas to stimulate job growth and economic expansion … without taxpayer dollars being involved.

09/27/2012 – Hipolitix (with host, Mark Jerrell) – T.J. discusses a wide-range of policy issues in an open “Q&A” with Mark Jerrell.

09/26/2012 –  Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses recent events in the Middle East and his approach to creating and executing a new Foreign Policy for the United States.

09/25/2012 – Mornings with Greg Cary – T.J. O’Hara does a “live” Q&A with well-known radio talk-show host, Greg Cary of Brisbane, Australia, discussing his campaign and the concept of compulsory voting.

09/24/2012 – The Balanced Approach (with host, L. Dean Latham) – T.J. O’Hara answers question during this “live” special.

09/19/2012 –  Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses U.S. trade policy with J.R. Martin, author of the acclaimed new book, Selling U.S. Out.

09/12/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses taking a private sector focus (rather than a public sector focus) to address our Nation’s issues (Begin at 2:35 to skip audio track problems).

09/05/2012 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses his candidacy, the Modern Whig Party (and its endorsement of his candidacy), and the Top Ten Initiative to give the People a voice and to provide answers to their most compelling questions.

08/22/2012 – Mornings with Greg Cary – T.J. O’Hara does a “live” Q&A with well-known radio talk-show host, Greg Cary of Brisbane, Australia.

08/20/2012 – The Balanced Approach (with host, L. Dean Latham) – T.J. O’Hara answers question during this “live” 90-minute special.

08/09/2012 – The Hipolitix Talk Show (with host, Mark Jerrell) – T.J. O’Hara answered questions during this “live” Q&A while discussing a wide range of subjects with the host, Mark Jerrell, and callers.

07/20/2012 – The Tun Tavern Patriots Radio Show – T.J. O’Hara answered questions during this “live” Q&A while discussing a wide range of subjects with the co-hosts and callers.

07/13/2012 – On America’s Frontlines of War and Crime (with host, J.J. Sutton)–  T.J. O’Hara answers question during this “live” radio show airing in 143 countries.

06/19/2012 – The Balanced Approach (with host, L. Dean Latham) – T.J. O’Hara answers question during this “live” two-hour, call-in special.

05/16/2012 – The Rick Amato Show 2012-05-16 – T.J. O’Hara discusses political issues with guest host, Sutton Porter

05/12/2012 – Modern Whig Party BlogTalkRadio (with Andrew Evans) – T.J. O’Hara discusses leadership, building consensus, a recent campaign trip, and a wide variety of other subjects including:  Foreign Policy; Resource Policy (Energy and the Environment); and the FREEDOM Process

04/20/2012 – Centered and Balanced (with L. Dean Latham) – T.J. O’Hara discusses the Party paradigm, and a wide variety of other subjects including: Economic Policy (job growth, taxes, etc.); Operations Policy (regulatory and election reform); and Medical Policy (health care reform)

04/17/2012 – The Rick Amato Show 2012-04-17 – T.J. O’Hara discusses Americans Elect, the divisiveness of Party rhetoric and other campaign-related subjects

04/10/2012 – Interview by Jonathan Denn, Publisher of aGREATER.US – A discussion about T.J. O’Hara’s candidacy including solutions and positions on: Foreign Policy; Economic Policy; Education Policy; Operations Policy (including electoral reform); and Medical Policy (Social Issues), etc.

03/29/2012 – Straight Talk with John J. Nazarian – A discussion about T.J. O’Hara’s candidacy including solutions and positions on: Foreign Policy; Economic Policy; Operations Policy; and Medical Policy (Social Issues), etc.

02/27/2012 – 2012-02-27 with Gene Quinn – A discussion about T.J. O’Hara’s candidacy including solutions and positions on: Resource Policy; Economic Policy; Operations Policy; and Medical Policy, etc.

02/02/2012 – KCBQ 2012-02-02 Vision, Mission and Values – A discussion about the Declaration or Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the Values, Mission and Vision statements of our Nation, and an application of St. Jude Children Research Hospital’s statements as a parallel example … and reminder

02/02/2012 – KCBQ 2012-02-02 – (with multiple guests) – A discussion of T.J.’s campaign-supported charities: Wounded Warrior Project, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and The Dreyfuss Initiative

02/02/2012 – KCBQ 2012-02-02 Campaign Charities – Charities, the 858 Tea Party, and Congressional Candidate, John Stahl round out the topics

01/08/2012 – KFMB 2012-01-08 It’s Their Money, Not Yours – A one-hour interview on It’s Your Money, Not Theirs, covering issues including: Foreign Policy; Resource Policy; Economic Policy; Defense Policy; and Operations Policy

12/16/2011 – KCBQ 2011-12-16 Scot Faulkner – The Corrupting Influence of The Party Paradigm: a discussion with best-selling author, Scot Faulkner, who is also the former Chief Administrative Officer of the United States House of Representatives and a former member of the Reagan Administration

12/06/2011 – The Rick Amato Show 2011-12-06 – The Reasons for My Candidacy

11/18/2011 – KCBQ 2011-11-18 – Party Politics: The impact on America