2015/06/04 – Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations – T.J. O’Hara discusses the potential “nightmare” of expert witnesses with investigative reporter Michael Volpe, psychologist Paul Mountjoy, and show host, Lisa Ruth.

2015/02/19 – Communities Digital News HourCritical Conversations – T.J. O’Hara discusses global politics with Dr. James Picht and show host, Lisa Ruth.

GUEST APPEARANCES by T.J. O’Hara – (a sample of Currently Unavailable past shows)

2015/02/05 – Graceland on Communities Digital News (CDN)  – T.J. O’Hara joins hosts Jennifer Meadows and Curtice Mang to discuss ISIL, the IRS, and the Keystone Pipeline.

2014/10/30 – Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations – T.J. O’Hara participates in a panel discussion about the 2014 Mid-Term Elections with show host, Lisa Ruth, and other distinguished political pundits.

2014/08/29 – Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations – T.J. O’Hara discusses Presidential politics with Dr. James Picht and show host, Lisa Ruth.

2014/06/26 – The Balanced Approach (with host, L. Dean Latham) – T.J. O’Hara answers questions about the IRS debacle during this “live” special.

2014/05/23 – Communities Digital News Hour, Critical Conversations– T.J. O’Hara discusses Presidential leadership with host, Terry Ponick.

2013/11/12 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara, Andrew Evans, James Ryan, and J.R. Martin discuss the Modern Whig Party, its philosophy, and its recent election win in Philadelphia, L. Dean Latham.

2013/10/10 – Hipolitix – T.J. O’Hara discusses the Government Shutdown, the Affordable Care Act, and leadership in Washington, D.C. with host, Mark Jerrell.

2013/08/08 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara discusses his new column, A Civil Assessment (which appears in the Communities section of The Washington Times), and issues about our political environment with host, L. Dean Latham.

2013/06/28 – The CL Gammon Program – T.J. O’Hara is interviewed by host C.L. Gammon about TJ’s 2012 Presidential campaign, his plans for 2016, and his view of the state of the Union.

2013/02/16 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara and Richard Dreyfuss (Academy Award-winning actor and Founder of The Dreyfuss Initiative) discuss the Second Amendment and other current political issues with host, L. Dean Latham.

2013/01/18 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara and J.R. Martin (author of Selling U.S. Out) discuss the fiscal cliff and trade policy with host, L. Dean Latham.

2012/11/23 – The Balanced Approach – (Part Two) of T.J. O’Hara’s appearance with J.R. Martin, author of “Selling U.S. Out,” on L. Dean Latham’s show to discuss the Fiscal Cliff, etc.

2012/11/20 – The Balanced Approach – (Part One) of T.J. O’Hara’s appearance with J.R. Martin, author of “Selling U.S. Out,” on L. Dean Latham’s show to discuss the Fiscal Cliff, etc.

2012/11/02 – TOWN HALL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE – “Live” Town Hall Presidential Debate (open to all Presidential candidates) with T.J. O’Hara, Andre Barnett (the Reform Party), and independent candidate, Stephen Rollins.

2012/11/01 – Hipolitix – T.J. O’Hara answers questions about the final days of his campaign, what he has accomplished, and what drives him during this “live” Q&A with the host, Mark Jerrell.

2012/10/24 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses obstacles the States place in the way of ballot access as well as the most recent Presidential Debate between the major Party candidates and how it differed from the “Third Party” debates that are beginning to be held.

2012/10/17 – TOWN HALL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE – “Live” Town Hall Presidential Debate (open to all Presidential candidates) with T.J. O’Hara, Rocky Anderson (the Justice Party), and Jill Stein (the Green Party).

2012/10/17 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses aspects of our Nation’s economic reality that were ignored in the most recent Presidential Debate between the major Party candidates.

2012/10/10 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses his Vice Presidential choice, his recent campaign trip, and some specific ideas to stimulate job growth and economic expansion … without taxpayer dollars being involved.

2012/09/27 – Hipolitix – T.J. discusses a wide range of policy issues concerning the presidential election in an open “Q&A” with host, Mark Jerrell.

2012/09/26 –  Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses recent events in the Middle East and his approach to creating and executing a new Foreign Policy for the United States.

2012/09/24 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara answers questions about his presidential campaign during this “live” special(with host, L. Dean Latham.

2012/09/19 –  Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses U.S. trade policy with J.R. Martin, author of the acclaimed new book, Selling U.S. Out.

2012/09/12 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses taking a private sector focus (rather than a public sector focus) to address our Nation’s issues.

2012/09/05 – Modern Whig Party Radio – T.J. O’Hara discusses his candidacy, the Modern Whig Party (and its endorsement of his candidacy), and the Top Ten Initiative to give the People a voice and to provide answers to their most compelling questions.

2012/08/20 – The Balanced Approach – T.J. O’Hara answers questions during this “live” 90-minute special with host, L. Dean Latham.

2012/08/09 –  Hipolitix – T.J. O’Hara answered questions during this “live” Q&A while discussing a wide range of subjects and his presidential candidacy with the host, Mark Jerrell, and callers.

2012/07/20 – The Tun Tavern Patriots Radio Show – T.J. O’Hara answered questions during this “live” Q&A while discussing a wide range of subjects with the co-hosts and callers.

2012/07/13 – On America’s Frontlines of War and Crime –  T.J. O’Hara answers questions about his presidential candidacy and position on crime in the U.S. during this “live” radio show with host, J.J. Sutton (airing in 143 countries).

2012/06/19 – The Balanced Approach  – T.J. O’Hara answers questions about his positions on the issues during this “live” two-hour, call-in special with host, L. Dean Latham.

2012/05/12 – Modern Whig Party BlogTalkRadio – T.J. O’Hara discusses leadership, building consensus, a recent campaign trip, and a wide variety of other subjects (including The FREEDOM Process he created) with Party Chair and host, Andrew Evans.

2012/04/20 – Centered and Balanced – T.J. O’Hara discusses the Party paradigm, and a wide variety of other subjects including Economic Policy (job growth, taxes, etc.), Operations Policy (regulatory and election reform), and Medical Policy (healthcare reform) with host, L. Dean Latham.

2012/04/10 – Interview by Jonathan Denn, Publisher of aGREATER.US – A discussion about T.J. O’Hara’s candidacy including solutions and positions on Foreign Policy; Economic Policy; Education Policy, Operations Policy (including electoral reform), and Medical Policy (Social Issues), etc.

2012/03/29 – Straight Talk with John J. Nazarian – A discussion about T.J. O’Hara discusses his presidential candidacy and the  solutions he is proposing on some of the Nation’s most critical issues.

2012/02/27 – WebtalkRadio.net 2012-02-27 with Gene Quinn – A discussion about T.J. O’Hara’s presidential candidacy and his unique approach to solving the problems that are challenging the United States.