NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS of T.J. O'Hara's recurring columns:

  • Deconstructed (IVN – Independent Voter News)
  • A Civil Assessment (CDN – Communities Digital News)
  • A Civil Assessment (the Communities Section of The Washington Times)
  • A President for the People (the Communities Section of The Washington Times)
  • The Common Sense Czar (the Communities Section of The Washington Times)

Oprah faces racism as Obama focuses on the middle-class

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., August 13, 2013 – Breaking news: Racism apparently still exists elsewhere in the world while the United States continues to lead in bitter ironies. Given recent reports of racism in our country, one might have reached the conclusion that we had a monopoly on it. Yet,

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PITY PARTY: Phony Scandals and Arrogant Attitudes

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., August 6, 2013 – President Obama and Press Secretary Carney recently dismissed any purported White House “scandals” as “phony.” This set off a firestorm response within the Republican Party, which has been preoccupied with identifying “Obama’s Watergate.” This gives rise to several legitimate questions that deserve

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Filner, Spitzer, Weiner: War on Women or Ethics?

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., July 30, 2013 – Have we fallen so far as to accept the unprincipled behavior of our political officials and candidates? Has the concept of responsible leadership yielded to our temptation to embrace those who have attained some level of celebrity status (whether positive or negative)?

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George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin and Equal Justice

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., July 26, 2013 – America has been captivated by one of the few real forms of reality TV: the presentation of evidence in a court of law during an actual criminal trial along with the associated arguments of opposing counsel. While the media profited from this

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THE PRESIDENT’S SPEECH: Perspective or Presumption?

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., July 23, 2013 – On July 19, 2013, President Obama chose to speak at a Press Conference about the African American community’s possible perspective of the Trayvon Martin tragedy. Almost immediately, those with a strong predisposition to the Left hailed his speech as one of the

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A CIVIL ASSESSMENT: The Cure for Partisan Politics

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., July 9, 2013 – This is an introduction to a social experiment in which you are invited to participate. How often have you read an Op-Ed piece by a purported “expert” with whom you clearly disagreed? How often have you felt that the “expert” was biased

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GUN CONTROL: Is the target practical or political?

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., January 17, 2013 – The one thing that is predictable about our major Parties is their ability to politicize important issues to a degree that impairs rational discussion. The current debate over gun control is just one more illustration. Gun control activists have seized upon recent

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EMANCIPATION: 150 years old and needing expansion

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., January 1, 2013 – On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. It was neither a law nor an unbridled condemnation of slavery as written. Instead, it was a carefully timed document with limited scope. Yet, it was sufficient to turn the tides

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Replace the Fiscal Cliff with a political one

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., December 20, 2012 – As we hurtle toward the fiscal cliff that our elected officials created, we should ask ourselves why we tolerate it. Why not create a political cliff for those who would risk the economic safety of so many American families? The Democrats and

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Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: Relevant but ignored

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., November 19, 2012 – Seven score and nine years ago, President Abraham Lincoln brought forth on this continent an address he believed the world would little note. Yet, that very address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, was to become the standard against which all political speeches thereafter would

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