NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS of T.J. O'Hara's recurring columns:

  • Deconstructed (IVN – Independent Voter News)
  • A Civil Assessment (CDN – Communities Digital News)
  • A Civil Assessment (the Communities Section of The Washington Times)
  • A President for the People (the Communities Section of The Washington Times)
  • The Common Sense Czar (the Communities Section of The Washington Times)

Don’t waste your vote on a Democrat or Republican

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., November 5, 2012– On November 6th, the presidential auction will be over and the Office will be awarded to one of the two highest bidders. The word “auction” seems eminently more appropriate than “election” because we have forsaken the sacred trust that the Framers created for

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The First Amendment and the Failure of a Free Press

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., October 26, 2012 – There is an inherent responsibility that goes with “freedom of the press” under the First Amendment. In this year’s Presidential election, it has become painfully apparent that the media has abandoned that responsibility. The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no

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America: When would you like your wake-up call?

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., August 14, 2012– With the General Election looming, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Republican National Committee (RNC) are about to don full battle gear to fight for their most coveted trophy:  the Office of President of the United States.  They have amassed their image consultants,

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The Declaration of Independence: Circa 2012

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., July 4, 2012 – Today is the Fourth of July.  When civics was still taught in our public schools, it was known as Independence Day.  While it used to mark the birth of our Nation, today it is too often viewed as a day off work

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The Health Care Mandate: Constitutional but still broken

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., June 28, 2012 – When Chief Justice Roberts delivered the opinion of the Supreme Court concerning The Affordable Healthcare Act today, it represented an interesting study of the current state of the three Branches of our Government in an indirect manner. The Executive Branch strongly sought

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How Americans Elect became Americans’ Regret

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., June 18, 2012 – According to its website, “The Goal of Americans Elect (was) to nominate a presidential ticket that answers directly to voters – not the political system.”  What many had hoped would be a glorious attempt to allow the People to finally have a say in

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Humanitarian Relief: NGOs and the U.S. Government

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., April 22, 2012 – The United States is a generous Nation.  It provides nearly $60 billion a year in foreign aid through approximately 20 different Federal agencies.  The question is whether the humanitarian aid elements of this assistance can be delivered more efficiently and effectively through

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The issue of Oil examined by The FREEDOM Process

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., April 19, 2012 – As we addressed in Energy and the Environment: An inseparable pair, the issue of oil has become a key battleground topic of the 2012 Presidential campaign.  The price of this particular fossil fuel has a cascading effect on nearly every physical product

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Energy and the Environment: An inseparable pair

RANCHO SANTA FE, Ca., April 11, 2012 – As gasoline prices climb at the pump and the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) continues to expand is regulatory power, energy, and the environment have become two of the key battleground topics of the 2012 Presidential election. Unfortunately, they shouldn’t even be separate

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