The Unsavory Political Art of Fearmongering and Fundraising
Don’t Let November 6 Become a “Trick or Treat” Nightmare
John Cox vs. Gavin Newsom: Will We Get A Televised Debate?
California v. United States: Appropriate or Political?
There’s A Reason It’s Called the ‘Declaration of Independence’
Scotus Renders Its Own ‘State of the Union’ In Janus Decision
Independent Muscle: The Three June 5th Election Predictions You Won’t Believe
Sports Organizations Lose Bet to State of New Jersey
Trumping the State of the Union
The One Thing Trump’s State of the Union Will Absolutely Confirm
It’s Not Just Laws; CDC Can’t Even Study Mass Shootings
A Fiscal Cliff? More Like a Political One
Why We Have a Federal Department of Education
A Civil Assessment: Partisan Bias Conditions Many to Accept or Reject Executive Orders
Reflecting Upon Another Anniversary of the War in Afghanistan
Congress Shouldn’t Get a Recess Until It Finishes Its Homework
How to Find Substance in These Mostly ‘Substanceless’ Primary Shows
Can Congress Grant Us a ‘Pardon’ from the State of the Union
Congress’ Role in Torturing the People
The Jury is Still Out on the Impact of Ferguson
FREEDOM: The Unfounded and Unfunded Myths of Entitlement
FREEDOM: Is ‘Government Efficiency’ an Oxymoron?
FREEDOM: A Defense Policy that can be a Weapon for Peace
FREEDOM: Fixing the Us Economy for More than Just the Rich (PART 2)
FREEDOM: Not Having an Economic Policy is Expensive (PART 1)
FREEDOM: What is the True ‘Common Core’ of Education? (PART 2)
FREEDOM: U.S. Education Policy gets a Failing Grade (PART 1)
FREEDOM: Fueling the Discussion About Climate Change (PART 2)
FREEDOM: A Resource Policy for Energy and the Environment (PART 1)
FREEDOM: Foreign Policy that ‘Redistributes the Wealth’ (PART 3)
FREEDOM: Foreign Policy leveraging Coalitions and the U.N. (PART 2)
FREEDOM: The need to form a rational Foreign Policy (Part 1)
FREEDOM: A ‘Common Core’ Enhancement for Political Leaders
13 HOURS: Perhaps the ‘Fog of War’ is Finally Lifting
Election Season and ISIS: The Two Contexts of ‘Degrade and Ultimately Destroy’
Putin, Cameron and Obama: A Vivid Contrast in Leadership
FERGUSON: Beyond the Protests and Politics
Using the Power of the People to Fix a Failed Foreign Policy
Impeachment and Lawsuits: Party Tools of Emotional Extortion
Does U.N. Stand for United Nations or Useless Neurotics?
POLITICAL SOLUTIONS: When Rational Thinking Just Won’t Do
Why Our Approach to Immigration ‘Borders’ on the Absurd
It is Called “The Declaration of Independence” for a Reason
IRS and Political Targeting: Phony Scandal or Phony Excuse?
EMBARRASSMENT: Applying the President’s View of Iraq to US
Iraq Implodes while President Obama Wages “Golf War”
CLIMATE CHANGE: How Political Pollution is Affecting It
POLITICAL INCONGRUITIES: From Bergdahl to Benghazi
MEMORIAL DAY: A Time to Honor Their Sacrifice with Progress
Is There a Political Wildfire that Needs to be Put Out?
What Happens When Higher Education Lowers Itself?
BENGHAZI: What Difference Does It Make to the Media or You?
What Does Affirmative Action Actually Affirm?
Is the Growing Income Gap a Problem or an Opportunity?
Is Taxation Just a Gateway Drug to Our Spending Addiction?
Is it just Semantics, or is ‘Political Truth’ an Oxymoron?
Is It Time to Repeal the First Amendment?
Does Obama Care About Obamacare?
MARCH MADNESS: #1 Seeds Go to the U.S. and Russia in Ukraine
Let FREEDOM Ring in the Ukraine…and the United States
3 Steps to Fix the Political System the Parties Have Broken
Will We Survive the Real Cold War?
GEORGE WASHINGTON: America’s Last Non-Partisan President
MR. PRESIDENT: Use Your Pen and Phone for Election Reform
A Discussion About the World Today…With Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If I Threaten You, Will You Donate Money to Me?
O’HARA: Is Over-Regulation Threatening to Kill Liberty?
TWITTER TREATS: Political New Year’s Resolutions
Twelve Political Wishes to Celebrate The 12 Days of Christmas
We Can’t Duck the Dynasty of Hypocrisy
Will the Nuclear Option’s Fallout Yield a “Survivor”?
Gambling on the Affordable Care Act to Cure Political Ignorance
Is Obamacare the Landmark Legislation and Political Lesson of Our Time?
SECRET REVEALED: The Anti-Trust Strategy of Obama and the Parties
HALLOWEEN POLITICS: Disguises, Tricks and Glitches Create an ObamaScare
President Reopens Government with a Warning
OBAMACARE: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
LEADERSHIP VACUUM: Parties Prevail Over the People
SHOWDOWN SHUTDOWN: Kanye vs. Kimmel – House vs. Senate
The President, Congress and Political Schizophrenia
THE CONSTITUTION: Often Ignored; Never Irrelevant
9/11 AND BENGHAZI: Lessons Learned for Syria?
Syria Is Only a Symptom of a Failed Foreign Policy
Obama & Power-Less UN Security Council Study Syria
Oprah Faces Racism as Obama Focuses on Middle Class
PITY PARTY: Phony Scandals and Arrogant Attitudes
FILNER, SPITZER, WEINER: War on Women or Ethics?
THE PRESIDENT’S SPEECH: Perspective or Presumption?
GUN CONTROL: Is the Target Practical or Political?
EMANCIPATION: 150 Years Old and Needing Expansion
Replace the Fiscal Cliff with a Political One
Don’t waste your vote on a Democrat or Republican
The First Amendment and the Failure of a Free Press
America: When Would You Like Your Wake-Up Call?
The Declaration of Independence: Circa 2012
The Healthcare Mandate: Constitutional but Still Broken
How Americans Elect became Americans’ Regret
HUMANITARIAN RELIEF: NGOs and the U.S. Government
The Issue of Oil Examined by The FREEDOM Process
A Rational Foreign Policy Solution for Afghanistan
FOREIGN POLICY: A Rational Approach for the U.S.
Presidential Policy Formation and The FREEDOM Process
Super PACs, Super Tuesday, Supercilious Politicians
What If the Presidency Weren’t for Sale?
Politics Won’t Be A Team Sport When I’m President
PRESIDENT: You’d Sell 14,000 Buildings; I’d Use Them
Will President Obama say, “Read my lips – No new jobs?”
Obama and Immelt Bring Jobs and Competitiveness to Life
Pawlenty Quits – Why the rest of the candidates should, too
Will the Super Committee Save the Day on Debt?
President Obama: “The Audacity of Birthdays”
Obama & Boehner: Can They Reach a Capital Debt Compromise?
THE DEBT CEILING WAR: Cut, Cap, Balance vs. Cut, Tax, Spend
DEBT CEILING NEGOTIATIONS: Pelosi, Boehner, Obama & Reid Play Liar’s Poker
It’s Casey Anthony at bat with Roger Clemens on deck
Donate to Win a Happy Meal with President Obama
OBAMA, ROMNEY, BACHMANN: Money, Not the Best Person, Wins Presidency
RECESSION-DEPRESSION: Who Cares if You Demagogue?
What Do the U.S. and the Middle East Have in Common?
Republicans Trail Democrats Early in the Game
Used Helicopter for Sale; Needs Work-Call Pakistan
Osama bin Laden ‘Sleeps with the Fish’
President Bids ‘No Trump’ on Birth Certificate
TO OUR POLITICIANS: ‘We Are Deeply in Your Debt’
Shutdown? How about, ‘Shut up?’
‘The Path to Prosperity’ or The Path to Politics?
Movie Mogul Michael Moore Makes Money Off Middle
KING’S HEARINGS: Witch Hunt or Radical Truth?
Gaddafi, Sheen, and Politicians Have This in Common
Gov. Walker’s State of the Union – Wisconsin Style
DEFICIT REDUCTION 102: End Political Prostitution
DEFICIT REDUCTION 101: For Inept Politicians
President Obama ‘Chambers’ a Round for Commerce
Curfews in Cairo – Revolution in Egypt
SOTU 2011: It Takes ‘Five Pillars’ to ‘Do Big Things’
If the State of the Union Was More Like Reality TV
Health Care Reform Is a Bitter Pill to Swallow
Non-Existentialist Obama Wants to Know: Who Is Hu?
The Czar Says, ‘The Left Isn’t Right and The Right Is Wrong’
Classless Warfare: Politically Exploiting Tragedy
Rep. Giffords, Fed. Judge Rolls among 19 shot: Why?